We are proud to support Fairtrade and Organic practices – ensuring every bean we use is produced and traded responsibly.
We believe in a system of trade that is fair to the farmers and workers that live in it daily; in a system that creates better working and environmental conditions; a system that encourages sustainable practices and keeps harmful chemicals out of our land, water and air.
We are proud to support Fairtrade and Organic practices – ensuring every bean we use is produced and traded responsibly.
So drink your Joy Beans with pride, knowing the people who grow and pick the beans are happy, too.


Joy Beans is exclusively organic coffee. What does that mean? It means every coffee bean we will ever produce and sell will be organic. It means we don’t have an organic “range” like some companies, who think: “if we give people an organic option, we will sell more coffee and look better in the public eye” … while the rest of the coffee they sell isn’t organic.
We believe if you’re going to be committed to something, be committed! It just doesn’t make sense to us to sit on the fence – either you believe in organic products and the environmental, social, and health benefits, or you don’t.
So … why choose organic coffee? Have a look at the list below for a few reasons:
Reduce chemical runoff and residues in drinking water, waterways and coastal areas. Runoff is the main cause of diminishing marine life, animals and plants. Approximately 30 000 tonnes of herbicides, insecticides, fungicides and plant growth regulators are used each year in Australia (OzProspect, 2003).
Organic food is produced using sustainable farm methods that imitate natural ecological processes (ACO).
Organic agriculture can strengthen the local environment’s resistance to disease
Organic coffee can promote forest preservation – especially if it is shade grown (which many organic coffee farms are)
Bird populations thrive in the natural coffee environment – keeping insect numbers low and naturally fertilising the soil
Many food additives have been linked with symptoms such as allergic reactions, rashes, headaches, asthma, growth retardation and hyperactivity in children (Heaton, 2004).
Abnormal neurodevelopment in children can be caused or made worse by prenatal and early life exposures to pesticides and chemicals that contaminate our food (Guillette, et al., 1998).
Selecting organic foods also means you can avoid eating up to two kilograms of food additives each year, and minimise your risk of exposure to pesticides in food.
People all over the world rely on it to wake up, yet many of the 25 million small-holder coffee farmers who depend on it for their livelihoods struggle to survive.
Coffee is known as a highly volatile commodity, with wide price fluctuations year to year. This is due to coffee production being highly dependent on weather conditions, susceptible to disease and influenced by a range of other factors. For the 125 million people globally whose livelihood is dependent on it, this is bad news. Climate change represents a dire threat for coffee farmers, indeed many farmers are already reporting negative impacts from changing weather patterns and increased pest activity that have led to lower quality and reduced yields.
Many farmers lack reliable market information, this coupled with often small yields leads to situations of unequal power relations where farmers lack bargaining power when engaging in negotiations. Frequently this means they are not paid a fair price for their produce. Fairtrade helps to bring farmers together to strengthen their position and to learn from one another.
Text and image Fairtrade Australia.